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Gamble/Texas Hold'em Poker/Blackjack Software


*Services for general gambling (application for GAMBLE-OS)

Gamble Memo(GBMEMO)
  Multi Platform(Windows / Macintosh / Linux / iOS / Android / anything)

Top | Images | Requirements | Price | Purchase | Version Information | Export/Import Data Format

Maintenance and support for the iOS version will end on December 31, 2024.
Please use "Gamble Memo" of "GAMBLE-OS".
The following are screen images of the iOS version, which may differ from the GAMBLE-OS version.

"Gamble Memo(GBMEMO)" is the general gamble balance management application that can manage the balance of every gamble.

Gamble Kinds:horse racing, boat racing, cycle racing, auto racing, pachinko, slot, toto, casino, stocks, lottery(add, change, delete freely)

Gamble Memos:location, weather, breakfast, lunch, dinner, accessory, underwear, tops, bottoms, shoes(change freely)

* Balances
Registration of the balance information(A date, gamble kind, a bet, money of refund, a memo)
A list of balances according to the year
The details of the balance information, editing(nine starts, six basic labels, photograph, setting memo ten kinds)
* Statistics
The indication of the statistics result(bet, balance, rate by the condition and group)
The term and group:All periods, year, quarter, month, week, day of the week, nine starts, six basic labels, gamble kind, setting memo1-10
* Tools
CSV data export
CSV data import
* Settings
Nine Stars and Six Basic Labels, display or non-display
An add, change, delete of the gamble kind
The editing of the setting memo
Currency setting:A sign, a decimal place

Screen images of "GambleMemo(GBMEMO)" for iPhone/iPod touch

List of balances

Add balance

Statistics results

Statistics conditions


CSV Data Import


System System Multi-platform (Windows / Macintosh / iOS / Android / anything)
Browser Chrome / Safari
Internet Broadband connection at all times
3,300 yen/month
*Unlimited use of GIII plan apps/APIs

Team-Nave Store で購入
Purchase License
Version information
GAMBLE-OS Version:Version [16/12/2024]
*GAMBLE-OS Version:Initial Release

iOS Version:Version 1.2[24/02/2013]
*I revise malfunction at the time of the Japanese calendar setting.
*I make modifications to choose all / this year / last year / period with statistics screen.
*It supports iPad.
*It supports 4 inches of displays.

iOS Version:Version 1.1[16/12/2010]
*At the time of income and expenditure data addition, I revise it to choose the date of the last time or a date of the day automatically.
*I revise it so that a screen does not turn with some screens.
*I add an About screen.